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#61 – Norman Wolfe — Context Defines Reality

03 February 2020


“There’s only one way to empower somebody … to give them the choice to make the decision that is right for them.” — Norman Wolfe

In this episode we cover why businesses often fail to a achieve strategic their strategic objectives, the energy of relationships, the nature of organizations and their part in the eco-system,  compassionate empowerment, much more.  Norman is a great wealth of wisdom.  Enjoy!

About Norman: Norman Wolfe is a leading voice in bringing about a transformation of the core paradigm of business. He is founder and CEO of Quantum Leaders, a strategy execution consulting company changing business to unleash the power of the human spirit.

He is a 15-year veteran of Hewlett Packard, lead companies large and small, been a public company director, and has over 30 years consulting and mentoring leaders in a wide range of industries. He brings a depth and groundedness to the art of leadership and creating corporate results that is rare, and often sees what others do not.

Drawing from a variety of disciplines, his book The Living Organization, is an amalgamation and refinement of the core principles of how the world works, applying it to how businesses can create extraordinary impact.

You can find Norman at: 


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